17 April, 2022 by
Silvano Viero
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The participation of American and British troops in these hours in the military clash in Ukraine is a sign of the will of the United States and the United Kingdom to ignite the total clash of the West against Russia, which still represents the Europe that is not subjugated to the globalist powers.  So-called “Western” Europe, like a carriage in train, will adapt as always to the choices of the leaders of NATO, and to be more precise, those of Washington and London.

Therefore, we Venetians, militarily occupied since 1797, Italianised, will be once again forced to support and participate in a war that goes against our idea of an organised world, of fair and equal international cooperation, of the freedom of peoples, of peace and not war; we find ourselves in the contradiction, already lived, of supporting the policies and interests of others, as when we were forced to participate in the criminal enterprises of the Savoys, colonists in Africa or the extension of the Italian State in Europe.

Now, it must be forcefully reiterated against enemy propaganda, that we are not "Italians" (admitting and not conceding that an Italian people exists), that Italy's international policies and interests cannot be those of us Venetians and Venice; that the war against Russia is a war against our international interests and against our project of a confederated unitary Europe of free and sovereign nations, the balance in the games between world powers and not submissive to them.

In the current European turmoil, the Venetian Government demands a solution to the Venetian question, that is, the recognition of international responsibilities regarding the occupation of our nation and the recognition and respect for our independence and sovereignty.  The denial of freedom to Venetians would be the continuation of an anti-European, nationalist policy constantly undertaken by France and the United Kingdom, with the expansionist and colonising policies that have subjected a large part of the globe to their disorder!

We believe that the war against Russia will lead to the collapse of the current international disorder, to the defeat of the hegemonic projects of Washington and London, of the consequent European subjugation and of the entroopment of NATO.  Beyond the dark clouds of war we see the return of light, the need for the world to reorganise itself according to a logic less Nazi-like, such as those which are dominating international relations.

Thus, the Venetian Republic is back, and with it the need for new regulations.

In this critical moment, the Venetian Government asks all Venetians to rally around the institutions of the Venetian Republic, to assert our right to freedom, to clarity, to justice, to information and of respect for our work, so that this is not put to the benefit of the Mafia, as has been happening since 1797.  It is time to say enough to the occupation, enough of the hypocrisies, enough of the exploitation of our work and our resources!

Last note: We remind the USA that the military bases on Venetian territory in Vicenza and Aviano are the result of the military defeat of Italy, an occupying country that does not represent us, and that we Venetians do not agree to be involved in the improper activities of these bases in the choices of US politics.

Venice, 16 April 2022 
Albert Gardin – CXXI Doge – – info 338 8167955

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